ADVANCED Agility Classes
BEFORE YOU REGISTER FOR A CLASS, please refer to our Important Info page.
Course Length: 6 week continuous
Cost: $315 per 6 week session
Class duration: 50 min
Enrollment limit: 4 students
Teams will begin sequencing with jumps/tunnels and continue to work on specific obstacles in stations. Each 6 week session will focus on new agility handling maneuvers, increased sequencing with more obstacles and fading station training. We highly recommend taking this course when you can commit to ongoing training at our facility.
Prerequisite: Graduation from Advanced Obstacles, meets required goal behaviors or instructor approval. Dogs must be able to work reliably off leash.
Please email info@ggdogsports to sign up for these classes.
Course Length: 6 week continuous
Cost: $285
Class duration: 50 min
Enrollment limit: 4 students
For teams that are just starting to compete or teams capable of running 10-14 obstacle sequences with 2-3 side changes. The focus of the class is on building the skills and teamwork to excel in competition - running longer sequences with more side-changes while being presented with a variety of handling choices.
Prerequisite: Graduation from Handling & Obstacles, meets required goal behaviors or instructor approval.
Please email info@ggdogsports to sign up for these classes.
masters agility
Course Length: 6 weeks continuous
Cost: $285
Class duration: 50 min
Enrollment limit: 4 students
For teams that are competing at the Masters/Excellent level or teams capable of running 17-21 obstacle sequences with 5+ side-changes. The focus of this class is on accurate and independent obstacle performance, handling decision-making and precise execution on sequences that test a diverse set of skills.
Prerequisite: Advanced Agility, meets required goal behaviors or instructor approval.
Please email info@ggdogsports to sign up for these classes.
Are you looking for additional training at GGDS? Check our weekly availability.