At Golden Gate Dog Sports (GGDS), we strive to create a classroom with a safe and beneficial learning environment for both dogs and humans. The instructor may excuse any dog or handler who displays behavior that is disruptive or unsafe to other dogs or  humans inside or directly outside our facility. Excusal from class is at the sole discretion of the instructor. Should you be excused from class, you will not be refunded for the class session. Admittance to a future class will require an instructor evaluation.

Please note, agility is not meant to “cure” or help with a behavior problem. Some dogs may benefit from outside private instruction from a trainer or vet behaviorist before entering a classroom setting. We want your dog mentally ready to have fun when they enter our facility.

Is my dog appropriate for class?

  • Has your dog had a previous interaction (ON/OFF LEASH) which has resulted in an injury to a dog/human?
    If you answered yes, contact

  • Does the presence of another dog/human cause your dog to bark, lunge, and/or growl while ON LEASH?

  • Does your dog have trouble focusing on you while ON LEASH 20 feet away from another dog?

  • Does your dog display fearful behavior while ON LEASH in the presence of another dog/human or in a new environment? Examples of fearful behavior: freezing, avoidance, hiding, panting, trembling, cowering, urinating/defecating, hypervigilance, sudden disinterest in food.

If you answered yes to any of the above or are concerned about your dog’s behavior in a classroom setting, please see our Evaluations page for more information BEFORE you register for a class. 

Classroom behavior policy