elimination policy

Elimination Policy and Procedures:

Dogs must not eliminate waste inside/on the building or on equipment at GGDS. 

If your dog eliminates (urinates or defecates) anywhere in or on the building, students will be charged an elimination fee as follows:

  • First occurrence, student  will be invoiced for a $15 damage fee.

  • Second occurrence, student will be invoiced for a $25 damage fee.

  • Third occurrence,  student  will be invoiced for a $40 damage fee.

All elimination invoices must be paid before a student can return to the facility.  

After the third occurrence, GGDS or the student’s current instructor reserves the right to remove a student from the class. The student will not receive a refund for any remaining sessions.

Please follow the posted instructions and use the cleaning station to clean up dog waste.

Instructions on Cleaning Up Dog Waste:
All cleanup essentials (cleaners/rags etc…) are located by the steel door in the caddy. The poop and rag containers are located next to caddy. Do not put garbage or paper towels in the used rag container.

If your dog URINATES on the turf:

  1. Soak up all liquid with rags. Do not use paper towels on the turf, they tear and are not effective.

  2. Spray area sufficiently with cleaning solution

  3. Soak up cleaning solution with rags

  4. Repeat steps 2-3

  5. Dirty rags go in the bin labelled RAGS

If your dog DEFECATES on the turf:

  1. Bag all poop. All poop, including watery poop goes into bags then disposed off in bin labelled “POOP” 

  2. Spray area sufficiently with cleaning solution

  3. Soak up cleaning solution with rags

  4. Repeat steps 2-3 until the turf appears clean

  5. Dirty rags go in the bin labelled RAGS